
Sunday, 25 July 2010

stuck on a line of misadventure

Recently I have had far too many things go wrong. Including setting off the fire alarms in the house by hardly burning anything then not knowing how to turn it off. It makes me kind of afraid of this place.
Today I'm in one of the really weird moods I get in sometimes which must be the result of being stuck in a house for far too long. It's a trapped kind of feeling. Makes me want to do something creative to feel better but then when it turns out bad it makes me feel worse. Maybe you know what I'm talking about. Anyway, here is something from my little sketchbook:

Cap'n Beans xx

Tuesday, 20 July 2010

New Place

Sorry for lack of posts etc I just moved into my new house and had a festival to go to.

Hopefully Tee will talk about the festival and I can just dump this awful sketch on you and be done. I feel quite down at the present.

It's sort of the view from my bedroom window.

Cap'n Beans x

Monday, 5 July 2010

Update and some quick little sketches

 No idea why these are the wrong way up :/ When I open them in photoshop they are normal. I'll try and sort it out. Also I appologise for lack of scanning.

I haven't been doing much sketching lately. Though this weekend I have been helping out The Basildon Arts Collective at Basfest. I also had some work on display which got quite a bit of interest. I'm happy about this because it means I must doing something right!
I must do more work, and of course the blog needs a proper layout.

Cap'n beans xx